It’s about giving opportunities to others.

Zain Khan
2 min readNov 27, 2021


As an aspiring musician growing up in Los Angeles in the 1980s and 90s, there were few opportunities to study the art of conducting. Community orchestras did not offer student conductors a chance to guest conduct. And, other than some university level programs, there were few programs where one could actually conduct an ensemble. To learn how to conduct, one had to leave Los Angeles and study elsewhere. Some of my peers left for Europe and never came back. My musical mentor and conducting teacher, Mehli Mehta, would frequently say, “Mr. Khan, the problem with conducting is that you need an instrument. A violinist has a violin to practice on. But, as a conductor, you need an orchestra. You have no instrument. What are you going to do?” The instrument he was referring to was an actual orchestra or ensemble to conduct. He was right, I had no instrument, and few organizations offered me (or other student conductors) the opportunity to learn. Other than a handful of times Maestro Mehta let me conduct the American Youth Symphony, it was rare to have an opportunity to learn with a live group. Gradually, I made my own opportunities in Los Angeles, and eventually founded the Vicente Chamber Orchestra many years later.

Beginning 2022, the Vicente Chamber Orchestra will invite guest conductors to perform the first piece of each program (other than our Gala Concert at the Broad Stage in March 2022). Inviting new conductors with different ideas on how music should be played will also add color and depth to the Vicente Chamber Orchestra’s music making.

Up until now, my mission for the Vicente Chamber Orchestra has been simple: to share our love of music with others in the surrounding community. In addition to this mission, I also want to provide opportunities to other musicians who need an instrument like I did when I was a student.

I look forward to the next chapter of the Vicente Chamber Orchestra with a profound sense of excitement and optimism. And, I thank all those who have supported me on this journey.

